You understand that Stakem does not provide investment advice, legal advice, business advice, financial advice, or advise of any kind. You also understand that this is not an investment service, legal service, or a financial service. You understand and fully accept that you are acting 100% on your own and at your sole risk.
You understand that any deals in Stakem are private sale only for accredited and eligible individuals and do not come with any protections or guarantees of any kind. You confirm and declare that you are not from a jurisdiction restricted by this Masternode as defined in its white paper and other legal documents and that you meet all the requirements needed for being eligible to participate in it.
You understand and accept all risks related to Masternodes and crypto assets, and you agree never to contribute more than you can afford to lose. You also agree to always do your own research and understand that the accuracy of any information provided is not and cannot be guaranteed.